Indian-Thai Trade Relations: A View from India. Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual`nyye problemy razvitiya, 2022, T. 1, No 1 (54). Pp. 160–167.
ISSN 2072-8271
DOI 10.31696/2072-8271-2022-1-1-54-160-167
Neighboring countries India and Thailand, different in territory, population and GDP, are not the main partners for each other in mutual trade, only 1.5-3.1% in the total exports of each of them. However, both countries consider it important to develop trade with their neighboring countries and see mutual interests in many of its positions. India has signed common free trade agreement with ASEAN and regional free trade agreement with Thailand. The article presents an analysis of the development of exports / imports of India and Thailand in 2011-2021, the main commodity flows are presented. The article also noted the aspects of export/import of commercial services representing almost half of the volume of foreign trade are considered, also noted the rapidly expanding e-commerce in volume.
Keywords: India | Thailand | 2011-2021 | mutual trade | main commodity flows | export/import of services | e-commerce |
Russian Science Citation Index
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