Volodin Andrey
Индия как «государство-цивилизация» // Общественные науки и современность. 2022. № 6. С. 106-124. DOI 10.31857/S0869049922060089.
Publication Type:

ISSN 0869-0499

DOI 10.31857/S0869049922060089

The article is focused on the “civilizational state” phenomenon, using India as a case study. The basic characteristics of the “civilizational state” are outlined, as well as the reasons behind the interest to such societies as India, China, Iran, etc. Nowadays, the political self-assertion of “civilizational states” is a natural reaction to the “conceptual” crisis of globalism and to emerging trends towards the formation of a new, polycentric world order. The arising of India as a viable “civilizational state” is scrutinized. In this pivotal process, the role of pre-colonial, colonial and independence periods in the formation of modern Indian polity is assessed. The sustainability grounds for Indian society’s socio-economic and cultural dualism are estimated. In conclusion, the operating of the “Indian political model” combining elements of representative governance and “competitive authoritarianism” is evaluated. The “axial” role of the state, both in domestic development and in transition to the polycentric world order, is noted.

Russian Science Citation Index


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