Bragina Elena
India-2021: Middle class in pandemic conditions
Publication Type:

ISSN 0321-5075

DOI 10.31857/S032150750016839-4

The article analyzes the conditions for the formation of the middle class in India. Shown is its important balancing role in the politics and economy of the country. The nature of the definition of "middle class", its special significance in developing countries is considered. Due to the difference in the applied criterion - the initial unit of account (employee, family, population group), due to the weakness of statistical services, the results of sociological studies, statistical estimates of the size of the middle class are often approximate. The work shows that the official and infor-mal (shadow) parts of the middle class coexist in the economies of developing countries in parallel. The pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of the Indian middle class is taken into account. The article examines the national characteristics of the formation of the middle class inherent in India. Due to the unclear definition of the criteria, the inconsistency of its assessments, the insufficient level of work of statistical organizations, information on the size of the middle class is inaccurate (according to various estimates, about 210-360 million people). Attention is paid to the formation of the rural middle class in India, rural residents make up a significant part of it (estimated at 48-66%).The forecast of the recovery of the Indian middle class ispresented. It is assumed that its quantitative growth, which was observed before the pandemic, and a gradual increase in influence will continue and will allow in the future.

Keywords: India | 2021 | middle class | number | pandemic COVID-19 |

Russian Science Citation Index


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