Prokhorenko Irina
Identity as Key to Understanding World Politics. Journal of International Analytics 15, no. 1 (2024): 11-19.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2587-8476

Russian Science Citation Index


Kamensakya Galina
Фукуяма – реквием среднему классу и либеральной демократии или проекту Модерна? [Электронный ресурс] / Г.В. Каменская // Мир и политика. – 2012. – № 9 (72).

Semenenko Irina
Political Identity and Identity Politics / Semenenko Irina S.

Aleshin Alexander
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Lapkin Vladimir
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Semenenko Irina, Lapkin Vladimir , Pantin Vladimir
Identity in the System of Coordinates of the World Development.

Semenenko Irina
Цивилизационная идентичность в повестке политики идентичности: меняющийся миропорядок и российские приоритеты // Государственное управление. Электронный вестник. 2024. № 104 (S). С. 79-87. DOI 10.24412/8s7hzd28. URL: Дата публикации: 12.08.2024.

Aleshin Alexander
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Vainshtein Gregory
European Identity: the Desired and the Real.

Peregudov Sergey
National-State Identity and the Problems of the Russian State’s Consolidation.

Shkundin M.Z.
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Gadzhiev Kamaludin
National Identity: Conceptual Aspect / GADZHIEV K.S.

Ibragimov Ibragim
The Role of Leaders in Formulation of the Foreign Policy Identity in Egypt. MGIMO Review of International Relations. 2021;14(4):70-90. (In Russ.)

Semenenko Irina
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Boldin V., Palitai I., Yakovleva Alexandra
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Vasiliev Victor
Austrian Identity and European Integration / Vasilyev V.I.

Bredikhin A.
Ethno-social Identity of the Modern Russian Cossacks

Rabotyazhev Nikolay
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Prokhorenko Irina
Nationalism, Separatism, Terrorism / Prokhorenko I.

Khaynatskaya Tatiana
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