Gromoglasova Elizaveta
Гуманитарное присутствие России в Тихоокеанской Азии: формы, масштабы, перспективы [Текст] / Е.С. Громогласова // Международные отношения. – 2017. – № 1. – С. 62-78.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2454-0641

The paper analyzes the humanitarian direction of Russia’s foreign policy in Asia Pacific countries. The author studies the forms and scales of Russia’s humanitarian presence in this region, particularly, the work of the network of Russian scientific and cultural centers. Using the comparative method, the author analyzes the differences between the Russian understanding of the conceptual limits of humanitarian diplomacy and the approach established on the national and sub-regional levels (within ASEAN) of Asia Pacific. In Russia, the “humanitarian cooperation” concept is usually understood very widely, while in Asia Pacific, the problem-oriented approach to humanitarian activities in foreign policy has been established. The author concludes that at the present time, humanitarian efforts are aimed at solving the problems caused by the high level of vulnerability of the Asia Pacific region to nonconventional security threats (natural disasters, forced displacement of large numbers of people). The author formulates recommendations for the promotion of Russia’s experience in emergency situations prevention and management and in strengthening logistical and infrastructural components of Russia’s humanitarian presence in Asia Pacific. Particularly, the author suggests creating a large humanitarian response depot in Vladivostok (using the example of the UN Humanitarian Response Depots). 

Keywords: Asia-Pacific Region | soft power | Russian foreign policy | humanitarian aid | humanitarian diplomacy | international cultural and humanitarian cooperation | humanitarian policy | Asia Pacific | ASEAN | Russian Far East |

Russian Science Citation Index


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