Kvashnin Yuri, Svistunova Irina
Greek-Turkish Contradictions in the New International Landscape
Publication Type:

ISSN 2079-3359

DOI 10.52311/2079-3359_2022_5_66

Greek-Turkish relations are complicated by a number of historical problems, often causing tension between the two countries. In 2021, Athens and Ankara made an attempt to reduce the level of conflict, which lasted for several years, and return to resolving their differences within the framework of the negotiation process. However, in 2022, a new crisis the sources of which were both domestic political factors and changing international realities unfolded in Greek-Turkish relations. The article presents an analysis of the positions of the parties, their approaches to the conflict and to the participation of external players in the bilateral conflict, as well as the reasons for the current exacerbation, which largely determine the prospects for the development of the situation.

Keywords: Greece | Aegean dispute | Greek-Turkish relations | Turkey | Eastern Mediterranean | Ukrainian crisis |

Russian Science Citation Index


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