Green Tech as a New Area of China`s Economic Interests in Southeast Asia
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ISSN 2072-8271

Due to the problems of expanding the green tech sector in China itself, he began to pay more and more attention to the green-tech markets of the largest Southeast Asian countries, taking into account a number of factors that can make these countries among the world leaders in the production and use of renewable energy sources. It seems that China has already become the undisputed leader in the production of goods of the group green tech in Southeast Asia and takes full advantage of their competitive advantages in this area, focusing on Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. There is every reason to assume that in the current decade the region will become one of the world's largest centers for the production of electric vehicles and their most significant components - batteries of various types.

Keywords: Southeast Asia | China | electric vehicles | rechargeable batteries | rare earth materials | solar photovoltaic batteries |

Russian Science Citation Index


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