Goffe Nina, Monusova Galina
Perception of social reality and subjective well-being in developed countries. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2020. – 166 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0580-2

DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0580-2

This book is centered on two issues. Firstly, how do individuals from different countries view various social and economic phenomena, which they often encounter? Secondly, how do their views affect their subjective well-being? The authors of this book use international findings and their research to answer these questions. Analyzing the mechanisms which lead to a discrepancy between objective and subjective assessment of life is crucial for understanding the social, economic and voting behaviour of individuals, as well as searching for ways to preserve political stability.


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Redistributive Preferences and Indicators of Social Mobility

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«Structure» of inequality of the modern world: problems of measurement / Grigoryev L.M., Salmina A.A.

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Income differentiation and consumption of food as a patronized good

Goffe Nina, Monusova Galina
Well-being: reality and its perception

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Inequality: How not to primitivize the problem

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Осмысляя бедность: социальное измерение концепции ответственного развития // Каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура. 2021. № 1 (66). С. 122-131. DOI 10.21672/1818-510X-2021-66-1-122-131.

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Kvashnin Yuri
The welfare state in Greece: origins, development, reforms

Krasil’shchikov Victor
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