Year of the Planet: Yearbook / IMEMO, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations. Yearbook 2016 / Ed. Ьу V. Baranovsky, Е. Solovyev. Moscow: Idea-Press, 2016. 336 р.
ISBN 978-5-903927-27-2
Publication Type:
ISBN 978-5-903927-27-2
The yearbook contains both information and analytical materials. Its analytical surveys and articles deal with the problems of the world economic development and modem intemational relations. The publications depict the diverse and contradictory nature of the modem world and analyze the most important events and major trends in the global development, as well as in the development of different countries and regions. Among the subjects investigated in the yearbook are main trends in different branches of the world economy and problems of the global and national security. Among the contributors to the «Year of the Planet» are research ers from IМЕМО and other leading research centers of Russia. It makes it possible to provide а broad spectrum of opinions on the most topical problems of the world economy and world politics, including prospects for economic growth, global trade and trade agreements, US elections, decisions of Warsaw NATO Summit, Syria crisis and Ukraine developments.
Keywords: world economic development | modem intemational relations |
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The role of mining industry in economy
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Международные организации: история и основные тенденции развития. Соловьев Э.Г. и др. Н.Новгород, 2002.
Sidorova Elena
The crisis and its consequences for the economies of Germany, Great Britain and Russia // Economy of the XXI century. - 2010. - № 5. - S. 107-122.
Sidorova Elena
Anti-crisis programmes in Germany and Great Britain / Sidorova E.A. // World Economics. – 2010. – No 4. – 2010. – P. 29-37.
Белянова Е.В., Nikolaenko S.A.
The Economic Cycle in Russia in the Years 1998-2008: the Emergence of Internal Mechanisms for Cyclic Development or Importation of the Global Turmoil? / Belyanova E.V., Nikolaenko S.A.
Klinova Marina
La privatisation en Russie / M.V. Klinova // La Revue du Trésor. – 2004. – 84e année . – No 12. – P. 749-751.
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Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Глобальные контуры будущего / В.Б. Кондратьев // Прямые инвестиции. – 2008. – № 12. – С. 4-9.
Zhukov Stanislav , Kelimbetov K.N.
Kazakhstan. Oil – New Opportunities for Development. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2014. – 180 p.
Varnavskii Vladimir
Digital technologies and the growing of world economy
Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Главное – как считают / В.Б. Кондратьев // Прямые инвестиции. – 2012. – № 9. – С. 8–13.
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