Global Military Political Problems in International Informational Security: Trends, Threats and Prospects
ISSN 2311-3456
DOI 10.21681/2311-3456-2019-1-2-9
Article presents analysis of the most relevant military and political problems in informational sphere, which carry global and strategical nature. Existence of these threats requires immediate development of mechanisms of international administration. One of such mechanisms may be rules of states actions in ensuring international informational security. Russia is purposefully striking for acceptance of these rules in UN. Article proves that the problem of application of informational communicational technologies (ICT) with military and political purposes for realization of hostile actions and acts of aggression is critical. Indications of such problem was found in the article along with ICT means for military operations and the most relevant trends requiring actions at national and international levels. This problem is related to the issues of security of material and informational objects of critically important state infrastructure (CI). Article demonstrates worldwide trends leading to the increase of threats related to military objects as part of CI. Author explains the conclusion that the problem of safety of these objects from threats, realized through application of special informational technologies is one of the main problems of the present.
Russian Science Citation Index
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