Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Global Mining Industry in 2018 and its Perspectives
Publication Type:

ISSN 1609-9192

DOI 10.30686/1609-9192-2019-1-143-14-22

Over the past decade, commodity prices reached both historic highs and historic lows, mining companies engaged in both significant acquisitions and consolidation, and operational realities shifted profoundly in the face of a digital revolution. That theme holds true over the past year as well. After hitting the bottom of the cycle, prices for many commodities have been slowly recovering, driven by Chinese government stimulus and improved demand in both developed and emerging economies. In many respects, the mining sector is once again poised for growth. It also catalyzed some important changes in the industry, changes which are likely to have long-lasting effects.

Russian Science Citation Index


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Коронавирус и горная промышленность // Горная промышленность. 2020. № 5. С. 10-18. DOI 10.30686/1609-9192-2020-3-98-104.

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Горная промышленность Австралии: состояние и перспективы // Горная промышленность. 2022. № 1. С. 91-102. DOI 10.30686/1609-9192-2022-1-91-102.

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Горная промышленность, инновации и экономический рост: опыт развивающихся стран // Горная промышленность. 2020. № 3. С. 98-104. DOI 10.30686/1609-9192-2020-3-98-104.

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Mining Industry: Out of the COVID-crisis Perspectives. Gornaya promyshlennost = Russian Mining Industry. 2021;(3):79–86. (In Russ.) DOI 10.30686/1609-9192-2021-3-79-86.

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Mining Industry in India. Russian Mining Industry. 2023;(2):95–104. https://doi.org/10.30686/1609-9192-2023-2-95-10

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