Germany in the Integration and Transatlantic Processes / Vasiliev V.I., Kokeev A.M., eds. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2021. – 127 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0589-5

DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0589-5

The monograph is dedicated to a comprehensive study of the development trends of the European Union and NATO, with particular emphasis on the policy and role of Germany. The evolution of the attitudes of the main political parties, the approaches of the German expert community to main foreign policy problems and initiatives to modernize the European Union in the context of protracted crises, new threats and challenges is analyzed. The peculiarities of Berlin`s course towards strengthening the unity of the EU, in tandem with Paris, advocating the strengthening the European sovereignty not only in foreign and defense policy, but also in the spheres of healthcare, climate, ecology, high technologies, are considered. At the same time, both allies see strategic autonomy as strengthening NATO`s European pillar and building a transatlantic partnership based on a more equal basis. The factors determining the policy of Berlin towards the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space are studied. The dynamics and content of relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU with the Russian Federation have been investigated, which makes it possible to make predictions about the possibilities of building the potential of their cooperation, restore dialogue based on mutual interests, and make appropriate recommendations. The publication is intended for Russian politicians and the expert community, university professors and graduate students, as well as for the general public.


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