Preobrazhenskaya Arina
Французская модель интеграции мигрантов: испытание временем [Текст] / А.А. Преображенская // Человек. Сообщество. Управление. – 2017. – Т. 18. – № 3. – С. 18-36.
Publication Type:
The article analyzes the peculiarities and social challenges of immigration in France, the specifics of the authorities’ approach to the integration of migrants are revealed. It is shown that initially the integration model was based on the assimilation approach, the ethnic and religious characteristics of the newcomers were not sufficiently taken into account. It is established that the current policy of social equalization has more than modest results. The exclusion from economic and social life, the high unemployment rate of settlers and their descendants, especially young people, social marginalization contribute to strengthen the influence in these circles of religious ideology, often in its radical manifestations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the state of intercultural practices in the article, the possibility of their survival on French soil is estimated. The author concludes that these practices have not received a significant development. For a number of historical, political, cultural reasons, it is difficult for the authorities to go beyond the model of individual integration, to recognize sociocultural and ethnic differentiation in society and to accept the fact that many social institutions play a role in the reproduction of this differentiation. 

Keywords: France | immigration | integration model | interculturalism | Islam | urban policy | social alignment | discrimination | social marginalization | social mobility |

Russian Science Citation Index


Preobrazhenskaya Arina
Французская модель интеграции иммигрантов перед вызовами современности // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: политология. 2020. Т. 22, № 3. С. 487-505. DOI 10.22363/2313-1438-2020-22-3-487-505.

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Объективная и субъективная социальная мобильность в межстрановой перспективе [Текст] / Г.А. Монусова // Вестник общественного мнения. Данные. Анализ. Дискуссии. – 2016. – № 3-4. – С. 52-71.

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Tsapenko Irina
Интеркультурная парадигма интеграции мигрантов [Текст] / И.П. Цапенко // Вестник Российской академии наук. – 2017. – № 10. – С. 915-926.

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Redistributive Preferences and Indicators of Social Mobility

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Social Policy of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Central and Eastern Europe / Titov K

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Transformation of the Swedish model.

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Social Policy in the European Public Opinion: An Implicit Contract between State and Society / G. Monusova

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Islam: the history and the present.

Ostrovskaya Helena
Франция в эпоху перемен / Е.П. Островская // Современная Европа. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 154–157. – Рец. на кн.: Франция. Время Саркози / Ю.И. Рубинский – М.:, Международные отношения, 2011. – 320 с.

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