Preobrazhenskaya Arina, Knyazev P.
Формирование миграционной системы в Юго-Восточной Азии [Текст] / А. А. Преображенская, П. Ю. Князев // Международная торговля и торговая политика. – 2018. – № 4. – С. 71-89. DOI: 10.21686/2410-7395-2018-4-71-89.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2410-7395 (Print)

DOI 10.21686/2410-7395-2018-4-71-89

Economic, demographic, political, social and others factor, which contribute to the increase of migration interaction between the countries of the region are presented in the article. The authors come to the conclusion, that economic and demographic differences between South-East Asia countries are not only unlikely to be overcome in the coming decades, but can even grow. This means a possibility of a more clear distinguishing the countries of the region along the line «donor-recipient» to take place in the future, and thus a more distinct distribution of roles within the framework of the migration system. The sending group includes Cambodia, Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia and Viet Nam. The main recipient countries, which account for more than 80 per cent of all intraregional migration, are Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. However, the links between South-East Asia countries have not yet become sustainable, the regionalization of migration varies from country to country in the ASEAN and population flows from a number of countries are directed outside the region. It is emphasized that the intensification of population movements in the region promotes a better allocation of labor resources in South-East Asia countries, adapting their economies to asymmetric shocks, as well as the expansion of foreign economic relations between the countries of residence and origin of migrants. The article attempts to identify the key factors and features of the migration cluster creation in this area, uniting countries with different levels of economic development, social sphere, level of democracy and political stability. The main attention is paid to the characteristics of the main features inherent in the regionalization of human movements in South-East Asia, the definition of challenges for the development of this group of countries. The authors also try to identify the most important trends in migration management both at the multilateral level and within countries, considering the regional migration system as a way of interaction between migrants and institutions responsible for regulating population movements. The article also describes the formation of the regional system of migration processes governance. The main feature of this system consists in a combination of elements of multilateral and bilateral regulation, taking into account the national specifics of countries in the region.

Keywords: migration systems | labour migration | migration governance | regionalization of migration |


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