Danilin Ivan, Bokarev B., Samburskiy I.
European green energy transition formation and its modern implementation adjustments
ISSN 2079-4665
DOI 10.18184/2079-4665.2023.14.3.500-516
European green energy transition formation and its modern implementation adjustments
Publication Type:
ISSN 2079-4665
DOI 10.18184/2079-4665.2023.14.3.500-516
Purpose: this article is to conceptualize the reasons of European green energy transition sustainability on the basis of its historic dynamics of its political and economic drivers and its possible developments taking into account adjustments of this process caused by current energy market situation.
Methods: system analysis in the context of economics and politics, case-study, statistical method, information analysis and synthesis, data visualization method are applied.
Results: the process of formation of modern economic and political drivers of green energy transition from the moment of the origin of this process to the present time has been investigated. The scale of the restructuring of European energy in the first quarter of the 21st century is shown based on the analysis of the dynamics of energy production by different types of generation. The substantiation of the sustainability of the process of greening energy in European countries is formulated, consisting in a combination of political and economic factors. The possible options for the development of the European green transition process in the medium term are evaluated, taking into account the adjustments of market conditions that are caused by the current unstable state of the energy markets.
Conclusions and Relevance: green energy transition is caused from a political point of view, firstly, by the popularity of the concept among voters, and secondly, by the fact that it is the only option to ensure energy independence for Europe. From an economic point of view, the green transition acts as a tool for the development of industry, support for innovation and a factor in reducing negative externalities associated with the negative consequences of the use of hydrocarbon energy. The combination of these factors ensures the sustainability of the greening of energy, therefore, the most likely option for its medium-term development will be the resumption of the process after finding temporary solutions for energy supply.
Keywords: green energy transition | drivers of environmentalism | European energy | renewable energy | energy crisis |
Russian Science Citation Index
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