Forced Mobility and Immobility in a Turbulent World // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2021. Vol. 91, Issue 5. P. 525-534. DOI 10.1134/S1019331621050099.
ISSN 1019-3316
DOI 10.1134/S1019331621050099
Forced mobility and forced immobility are not just polar types of involuntary migration behavior. According to the author, they are closely interconnected and are like communicating vessels, being a product of common causes: conflict, violence, and unfavorable environmental processes, the action of which can be both stimulating and hindering movement. The decision to leave or stay is influenced by a wide range of objective factors and subjective circumstances, including values, preferences, emotions, irrationality, etc. The growing social instability and disadvantages are reflected in an increased scale of forced displacements and an increased share of refugees among migrants, which indicates an increase in the forced nature of modern migration. The proliferation of hot spots of conflicts and disasters increases the risk of falling into the traps of immobility for people who do not have resources for migration. Comprehensive solutions and joint action by states and other interested parties can help improve protection and support for those affected by political and natural disasters. There is a trend towards extending aid to broader needy groups.
Keywords: conflicts and persecution | natural disasters and climate change | COVID-19 pandemic | forced mobility | refugees | internally displaced persons | forced immobility | stranded populations | comprehensive solutions and joint actions to protect and support victims of political and natural disasters |
Russian Science Citation Index
Sergeev Pavel
Aggregation of demand and joint purchases system for natural gas in the European Union and global energy supply problems // World & New World Journal. 2023. URL: Date of publication: 14.08.2023.
Zhukov Stanislav , Kopytin Ivan
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Tikhomirov Sergey
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Zhukov Stanislav , Reznikova Oksana
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Tsapenko Irina
Migration Effects of Social Imbalances // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2023. Vol. 93, Issue 3. P. 143-154. DOI 10.1134/S1019331623020089.
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Illeritsky Nikita
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Grigoriev Leonid, Medzhidova Dzhanneta
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Sergeev Pavel
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Disaster risk perceptions and multinational cooperation in Barentsburg, Svalbard // Polar Record. 2022. Vol. 58, Art. e6. DOI 10.1017/S003224742200002X. URL: Published online : 14.03.2022.
Illeritsky Nikita
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Nikitin Alexander
Legal norms or ad hoc fixes? International legal aspects of Russian military involvement in conflict settlements in the Caucasus // Caucasus survey. 2020. Vol. 8, Issue 2. P. 163-178. DOI 10.1080/23761199.2020.1759893.
Zimakov Andrei
The EU ETS Top Ten Polluters List as a Policy Tool of Climate Action Organisations // European Journal of Sustainable Development. 2021. Vol. 10, Issue 2. P. 201-218. DOI 10.14207/ejsd.2021.v10n2p201.
Nikitina Elena
Ñlimate Change in the Arctic: Adaptation to New Challenges. Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. 2021;14(4):111-128
Zagorskii Andrei
Konflikt in den Köpfen: Kritik der Versicherheitlichung der Arktis // Osteuropa. 2020. Issue 5. P. 81-98. DOI 10.35998/oe-2020-0031.
Golunov Sergei, Smirnova Vera
Russian Border Controls in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social, Political, and Economic Implications // Problems of Post-Communism. 2021. DOI 10.1080/10758216.2021.1920839. URL: Published online: 15.06.2021.
Kopytin Ivan, Maslennikov Alexander, Zhukov Stanislav
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