Bahtaraeva Karina
The role of the financial system in Italy’s economic miracle
The role of the financial system in Italy’s economic miracle
Publication Type:
This article explains the nature and key factors of Italy’s economic miracle in 1950-1970. These factors include state intervention in the economy and the capital market, export led growth supported by an undervalued lira, high rate of fixed investments and foreign capital. It is also shown how the financial system supported Italy’s economic modernization through credit controls, gradual exchange rate and capital account liberalization, financing of investments and state-controlled financial institutions.
Russian Science Citation Index
Zhukova Tatiana
Financial Formula for Spanish Economic Miracle
Mirkin Yakov
The Russian economy: growth under sanctions (future scenarios)
Komova Anna
German Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy of the “Economic Miracle”: Growth or Stabilization
USA: Opportunities and Limits of Economic and Political Leadership. In 2 vv. / Voitolovsky F.G., Kirichenko E.V., eds. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2016–2017. ISBN 978-5-9535-0483-6 Vol. 1 / Kirichenko E.V., ed. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2016. – 240 p.
Batyaeva Alexandra
Влияние недостатка и избытка труда и капитала на финансовое положение промышленных предприятий в РФ (1993–2022 гг.) // Экономическое развитие России. 2023. Т. 30, № 8. С. 22-36.
Nochevkina Louisa
Will the economic miracle in Russia? World experience of market reforms. Moscow, Strelets, 1999. 120 p.
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Bashirova Inessa, Serzhantova Tatyana
Survey of Current Business
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Serzhantova Tatyana, Belyakov Stanislav
Хозяйственное обозрение (декабрь 2018 – март 2019 гг.) [Текст] / С. Аукуционек, А. Егоров, Т. Сержантова, С. Беляков // Экономическое развитие России. – 2019. – Т. 26. – № 3. – С. 20-28.
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Хозяйственное обозрение [Текст] / С. Аукуционек, А. Егоров, И. Баширова, Ю. Глушко // Экономическое развитие России. – 2017. – № 8. – С. 24-31.
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei
Survey of Current Business
Mirkin Yakov
Sudden Turn
Mirkin Yakov
Eastern Path of Global Finance. Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. 2022;15(2):66-92. (In Russ.)
Gel'bras Vilia
30 лет реформ открытости Китая / В.Г. Гельбрас // Общественные науки и современность. – 2009. – № 3. – С. 109–117.
Mirkin Yakov
Проект «Россия 3.0» [Текст] / Я.М. Миркин // Прямые инвестиции. – 2013. – № 2. – С. 24 – 27.
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Bashirova Inessa, Serzhantova Tatyana
Хозяйственное обозрение [Текст] / С. Аукуционек, А. Егоров, И. Баширова, Т. Сержантова // Экономическое развитие России. – 2017. – № 6. – С. 39-46.
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Bashirova Inessa, Belyakov Stanislav
Survey of Current Business
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Serzhantova Tatyana, Glushko Yury
Survey of Current Business
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Serzhantova Tatyana, Glushko Yury
Survey of Current Business
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Serzhantova Tatyana, Glushko Yury
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