Sidorova Elena
Financial system of the European Union: The Eurozone and Great Britain in the crisis period / Sidorova E.A. // Urgent Problems of Europe. – 2011. – No 1. – P. 148-180.
Publication Type:

The financial situation of the leading countries in the euro zone and the United Kingdom are examined, main features of their anti-crisis programs are analyzed. Key points of European economic recovery plan are discussed. The review contains also main economic indicators of these countries up to 2011.

Keywords: economic crisis | european economic recovery plan | national stimulus |

Russian Science Citation Index


Klinova Marina
The European Union States in Search of the Way out of the Great Recession / Klinova M.V. // Urgent Problems of Europe. 2011. – No 1. – P. 80–107.

Sidorova Elena
Anti-crisis programmes in Germany and Great Britain / Sidorova E.A. // World Economics. – 2010. – No 4. – 2010. – P. 29-37.

Obolenskiy Vladimir
Foreign Economic Relations of Russia: Some Lessons from the Global Crisis / V. Obolensky

Gutnick Anna
Economic crisis in the UK: it’s specific features and measures undertaken to overcome it

Obolenskiy Vladimir
Global crisis and foreign trade of Russia / Obolenskiy V.P.

Kvashnin Yuri
Greece Political Crisis: New Parties and Old Ideas / Kvashnin Yury

Grigoriev Leonid
Размытая граница оживления и подъема мировой экономики [Текст] / Л.М. Григорьев // Экономика. Налоги. Право. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 4 – 10.

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Политико-культурные параметры мирового экономического кризиса / К.С. Гаджиев // Сегодня и завтра Российской экономики. – 2010. – № 38. – С. 10–11.

Klinova Marina
The role of State in France Economy: test for Coronavirus

Afontsev Sergey
Crisis Management in Global Finance.

Sidorova Elena
The crisis and its consequences for the economies of Germany, Great Britain and Russia // Economy of the XXI century. - 2010. - № 5. - S. 107-122.

Sidorova Elena
The European Union in combating the Crisis / Russia and the European Union in World Politics: Proceedings of International Conferences. Ed. by M.L.Entin. Moscow, Grif &Co. 2011. Iss. 10. P. 285-293.

Grigoriev Leonid
The Second Start of Transformation in Ukraine?

Salitskii Alexander
Central Asia: political and energy issues in the Russia-China format

Levchenko A.
Sovereign Wealth Funds as National Economy Stabilisers / Levchenko Anna V.

Белянова Е.В., Nikolaenko S.A.
The Economic Cycle in Russia in the Years 1998-2008: the Emergence of Internal Mechanisms for Cyclic Development or Importation of the Global Turmoil? / Belyanova E.V., Nikolaenko S.A.

Olenchenko Vladimir
Прибалтика: хронический кризис [Текст] / В.А. Оленченко // Международная экономика. – 2015. – № 9. – С. 28 – 41.

Sheliubskaya Nataliya
Брекзит и научно-техническая политика ЕС // Инновации. 2020. № 9. С. 86-90. DOI 10.26310/2071-3010.2020.263.9.011.

Grigoriev Leonid
Investment Process: Stock of Problems and Interests / L. Grigoriev

Kvashnin Yuri
Миграционный кризис: вызов или возможности для развития европейской экономики? [Текст] / Ю. Д. Квашнин // Вестник Института экономики РАН. – 2019. – № 1. – С. 112-126. DOI: 10.24411/2073-6487-2019-10008.
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