The Phenomenon of Related Dynamics in Global Finances (Russia, Brazil)
ISSN 2542-0240
DOI 10.23932/2542-0240-2018-11-1-155-169
The article establishes stable codependencies between international financial markets and their underlying cause and effect mechanisms, as an object of a global transformation. We demonstrate an intense co-integration between the financial markets of Russia, Brazil and the other emerging markets of Latin America (through the lens of stock markets and national currencies). The cause and effect mechanisms of this dependency are examined. We characterize the countries as analogous substitutes for investors (abundant similarities include: models of collective behaviour, ideology, model and structure of the economy, model of the financial sector, highly speculative markets in shares and currencies). The article explains an extremely limited role of the internal (primarily retail) investors in determining dynamics of the financial market. The central role of non-resident actors (global financial institutions and institutional investors) in the dynamics of the markets of Russian and Brazil is established. We demonstrate that for Russia and Brazil sources of foreign portfolio investments coincide. This includes Anglo-Saxon centers, specifically the US and British offshore jurisdictions, and the global centers of secondary importance (the Netherlands and Luxembourg). The decision making models of global investors in Russian and Brazil are examined: stock prices are driven by the oil prices, and in part by the US stock market, and rouble and real exchange rates follows oil prices and the EUR-USD currency pair. Analysis and conclusions made in the article are supported by a significant volume of statistical modelling.
Keywords: Brazil | correlation | financial market | global finance | interrelated dynamics | investor behavior | Russia |
Russian Science Citation Index
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