Evolution of the Investment Cooperation between the Countriesof the Visegrad Group and Russia
ISSN 0201-7083
DOI 0.15211/soveurope220209099
The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing investment relations between the countries of the Visegrad Group and Russia. The author raises issues not only of the general dynamics of investment ties of Russia with Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic during the last decade, but also the regional component of these relations. Special attention is paid to the FDI of the Visegrad countries in the Russian regions. The article highlights the factors which influence the process of concentration of FDI in the Russian regions, and also indicates the main characteristics of the modern picture of Visegrad investments in Russia. The dynamic of Russian-Visegrad investment relations is also analyzed from the point of view of the corporate component that includes the evaluation of projects of the Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and Czech companies in the Russian regions. The article provides the characteristic of transformation of investment activities of Visegrad companies in Russia for the last decade, including changes in territorial coverage and sectoral structure. The conclusion is drawn about the dynamism of the investment process between the countries of the Visegrad Group and Russia including changes in the list of participants in the cooperation, FDI’s volumes, the characteristic of regional presence. It is pointed out that external negative factors stood out in recent years among factors of internal and external order which influence investment ties of Russia with Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, but companies have managed to adapt to them.
Keywords: foreign direct investments | Russia | countries of the Visegrad Group | Russian regions | Visegrad investing companies |
Russian Science Citation Index
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