Эволюция государственных институтов публичной дипломатии США [Электронный ресурс] / У. З. Артамонова // Россия и Америка в XXI веке. – 2019. – № 1. – DOI: 10.18254/S207054760004625-4. – URL: https://rusus.jes.su/s207054760004625-4-1/.
ISSN 2070-5476
DOI 10.18254/S207054760004625-4
Public diplomacy has always been considered one of the strengths of American foreign policy. Researching of the evolution of institutions operating in this field allows seeing the pattern of continuity in terms of methods, used by them, and in terms of their targeted audiences. Throughout the time, activities of those institutions have been directed at the wide foreign public. The range of these activities has included the support for binational centers, American libraries and school abroad; educational exchanges; organization of cultural events and tours; teaching English abroad. Another interesting discovery is that all the transformations that occurred to the institutions conducting US public diplomacy were connected with internal and external political changes. They reflected the tendencies of the development of the general foreign policy course. Also despite the pattern of continuity in certain aspects, one can see contradictory trends as far as the structural changes are concerned. More precisely, at first the responsibility for conduct of public diplomacy belonged to the State Department, then to the independent state agency - USIA, and then again to the State Department. In addition, during the passage of the “stages of evolution” different public diplomacy functions - those related to information and those related to culture and education - originally had been joined under the authority of one institution, later divided between different divisions of the same institution, once again joined and currently are divided again but between separate institutions. The lack of new “stages of evolution” after 1999 paired with rather deficient model, which had been adopted then (featured by the existence of a specific public diplomacy organization for the fulfillment of only information-related functions and the rest of them being transferred to the State Department, probably constitute one of the factors responsible for the rise of anti-Americanism internationally in 21st century.
Russian Science Citation Index
Artamonova Uliana
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