Semenenko Irina
Evolutionary cycles and problems of forecasting political changes. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No 1. P. 173-178.
Publication Type:

ISSN 1026-9487

DOI 10.17976/jpps/2015.01.15

The author reviews the recently published monograph (Pantin V.I., Lapkin  V.V. Istoricheskoe prognozirovanie v XXI veke: Tsikly Kondrat’eva,  evolyutsionnye tsikly i perspektivy mirovogo razvitiya [Historical  Forecasting in the XXI Century: Kondratieff Cycles, Evolutionary Cycles and  Prospects of the World Development]. Dubna: Phoenix+. 2014. 456 p.) and  comes to the conclusion that it represents an original view on the key  methodological problems of modern social sciences regarding analysis and  forecasting of political changes.

Keywords: crises | scientific forecasting | Kondratieff cycles | reforms | counter-reforms |

Russian Science Citation Index


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