Rudenkova Daria
European Union Participation in negotiations on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [Text] / D.E. Rudenkova // Sravnitelnaya politika-Comparative politics – 2016. – Vol. 7. – № 3(24). – P. 61 – 70.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2412-4990

DOI 10.18611/2221-3279-2016-7-3(24)-61-70

This article contributes to the discussion surrounding involvement of interest groups in the political process on the European and global level. My purpose here is to examine how groups of interest can affect EU's role as a global actor and find out which mode of lobbying regulation could strengthen Europe's position in global governance. In this article, I am trying to bind concepts which at first glance might seem quite remote: groups of interests and global governance. By analyzing Europe's position on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), I argue that European ambitions on international arena are undermined by inner tensions. These tensions are mainly caused by discrepancy in positions of different groups of interest who try to infl uence the outcome of the political process and, thus, make it less stable and predictable. At the same time, adequate lobbying regulation could increase accountability and transparency and, therefore, help to overcome inconsistencies in EU's position in global governance system. The results suggest that without proper backing from inside actors like business groups and civil society associations the EU will constantly wobble and will not be able to fully achieve its global goals.

Keywords: European Union (EU) | Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) | Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) | groups of interests | lobbying | lobbying regulation |


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