ISBN 5-9535-0041-6
The book dwells on the environmental problems related to the production and transportation of Caspian oil in the absence of the agreement between Caspian states on the status of the sea itself. Among the main environmental problems listed in the book are decline in fishing resources; degeneration of biodiversity; flooding of residential areas and production facilities; salinization of fresh water-bearing strata; a growing threat to man’s health. In an effort to forecast the development of the environmental situation the author reviews the estimates of current and predicted oil output, as well as that of the total output of hydrocarbons. One of the parts of the book is devoted to oil export routes via the Caspian Sea. It is emphasized that the Caspian Sea still remains a “sea of discord” and the Caspian region, as a whole, is saturated with conflicts caused primarily by development of hydrocarbon deposits. Particular attention is given to environmental policies of Caspian states. Measures to protect the marine environment from pollution are proposed (with the emphasis on the impact of production and transportation on bioresources). The procedure for creating the mechanism of curbing and preventing the environmental pollution on the national and international levels is laid out.
Keywords: oil | Caspian region | hydrocarbon | bioresources |
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