Pritchin Stanislav
The energy sector of the Caspian region: prospects for the development of the gas market in the new geopolitical conditions. – Geoeconomics of Energetics. № 4 (20). P.6-15.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2687-0703

DOI 10.48137/26870703_2022_20_4_6

The article considers a new stage in the development of the geopolitical struggle for the energy resources of the Caspian region in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. European countries, in their desire to reduce dependence on Russian natural gas supplies, started looking for new suppliers and stepped up diplomatic work in the countries of the Caspian basin, hoping that supplies from the region could reduce dependence on Russian exports. The passive approach of the European countries in the matter of investments in extractive and transporting energy projects, the lack of readiness to abandon political principles in relation to Turkmenistan and Iran does not allow Brussels to expect that the Caspian Sea at the present stage could become an alternative to Russia in terms of natural gas supplies.

Keywords: Caspian region | EU | Russia | natural gas | gas pipelines |

Russian Science Citation Index


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