Kuzmina Elena
Kazakhstan’s Energy System: Risks and Opportunities. – Geoeconomics of Energetics. № 4 (24). P. 42–54. DOI: 10.48137/26870703_2023_24_4_42
Publication Type:

ISSN 2687-0703

The article analyzes the current state of the energy system of Kazakhstan. The main areas of study are electric and thermal power industry. The author identifies the main issues currently existing in the industry and studies the measures taken by the government to overcome them. The actions of Kazakhstan on development of renewable energy sources and green economy are also analyzed. The article examines the dynamics of government actions on the development of nuclear energy in the country.

Keywords: electric power industry | fuel and energy balance | renewable energy sources | nuclear energy | energy shortage | Tariffs in exchange for investment |

Russian Science Citation Index


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