Energy policy of France under E. Macron: imperatives and challenges. Nauchno-analiticheskij vestnik IE RAN 30(6): 117-134. (in Russian). DOI: 10.15211/vestnikieran62022117134
ISSN 2618-7914
DOI 10.15211/vestnikieran62022117134
The article touches the development of the French energy policy in 2017-2022 under the presidency of Emmanuel Macron. The author analyzed the dynamics of the energy mix change during 2017-2021 period in the context of the Energy transition act of 2015 and the plans of the French authorities concerning the management of five main types of the energy sources (atomic power stations, oil, gas, RES and coal). The paper highlights the tasks of E. Macron in this field and main steps of his administration to achieve them, structured into three stages - the first, relatively calm one - the beginning of Macron’s presidential term (2017-2019), the second - the COVID-19 pandEmic (2020-2021) and the third - an escalation of the Ukrainian crisis (2022) in the time of Macron’s re-election for a second presidential term. It is shown that the French authorities had to adjust their original plans under the influence of a number of events, especially in the second and third stages. The article concludes that the majority of Macron's election promises in the energy sector were not fulfilled, but French authorities made a number of significant steps aimed at further adjustments to the French energy mix announced by Macron in 2017.
Keywords: France | energetics | Emmanuel Macron | pandemic COVID-19 | Ukrainian crisis | energy transition |
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