Khalova G., Illeritsky Nikita
Энергетическая геополитика и трансформация ШОС: от Центральной Азии к Евразии и многополярному миру // Энергетическая политика. 2023. № 2 (180). С. 78-85. DOI 10.46920/2409-5516_2023_2180_78.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2409-5516

DOI 10.46920/2409-5516_2023_2180_78

The article discusses the energy cooperation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) states, which currently unites eight states of Eurasia with a further potential to increase the number of participants. As part of the study, the authors show the economic and energy potential of the SCO states and their role in the global economy. In addition, the authors analyzed data on reserves and production of oil, gas and coal, and studied the development of renewable and nuclear energy within the SCO states. On the basis of the study, the role of the SCO energy club in strengthening energy cooperation between countries was revealed. In addition, the authors show that the transition of the SCO states to trade in energy resources in national currencies will reduce the role of the US dollar in the world economy, and therefore, a reasonable conclusion is made that the SCO, along with the EAEU, forms a new architecture of the socio-economic world order of the XXI century.

Keywords: Shanghai Cooperation Organization | SCO energy club | oil | gas | coal | renewable energy | nuclear power | energy cooperation |

Russian Science Citation Index


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