Lukashin Yu., Rakhlina Lyudmila
Экономика Южно-Африканской Республики в многополярном мире // Вестник МИРБИС : сетевое издание. 2023. № 3 (35). С. 6-21. DOI 10.25634/MIRBIS.2023.3.1.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2411-5703

DOI 10.25634/MIRBIS.2023.3.1

In the article, South Africa is considered as one of the most important factors in the development of the world economy in the era of systemic transformation of international political and economic relations, aggravation of relations between the West and the rest of the world. The authors attach great importance to such an international union as BRICS, to which South Africa is included as the largest African country. With this union, the authors associate the formation of a stronghold of anti-American, anti-Western forces. The economic ties of South Africa with Western and non-Western countries, opportunities to develop by strengthening ties with non-Western countries a briefly shown. There is a great dependence of the development of the South African economy on the world economic situation, on the prices of oil and other import and export goods. South Africa's entry into BRICS is an important factor in the country's development in the new international environment, an example for other African countries. The article notes a significant increase in foreign trade relations with China and other BRICS countries. Methods of economic, statistical, graphic, comparative analysis are used.

The article is intended for government bodies, researchers, students.

Keywords: South Africa | foreign trade | world economy | international relations | economics comparison | multipolar world |

Russian Science Citation Index


Lukashin Yu., Rakhlina Lyudmila
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