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Publication Type:

This article aims to bring light on the differences between "the wortld economy" and "the global economy". As a result of the globalization the manufacturing sector significantely changed its geography. China's road to success is studied in general terms. The explicability of such a policy is shown by the analysis of the different global market demand for manufacturing, agricultural and primary sectors. Interim results of the globalization are summarized and the problem of economic backwardness is considered the main obstacle.


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Globalization as a factor of national development.

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Polycrisis Globalization or Sustainable Development 4.0?

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Can we speak of a new social formation in China?

Khalova G., Illeritsky Nikita
Prospects for In-ternational economic cooperation after the crisis of 2020: the path to a new equilibrium, RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. “Economics. Management. Law” Series, no 3, pp. 112-121, DOI: 10.28995/2073-6304-2020-3-112-121
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