Chetverikova Anna
Ecological aspects of activity of foreign multinational corporations in Europe and the USA on the example of metallurgy Ecological aspects of activity of foreign multinational corporations in Europe and the USA on the example of metallurgy
Publication Type:

ISSN 2073-6487

The paper is devoted to an analysis of ecological practices of the largest multinational corporations of nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy owning foreign production divisions in the territory of Europe, the USA and Canada. The author has carried out the review of the main regulation of impact of the metallurgical companies on the environment. Special attention is paid to various models of corporate social responsibility realized in Europe and the USA. The ecological aspects of activity of the European and American divisions of the Russian multinational corporations in comparison with practices of the largest metallurgical companies are estimated. 

Keywords: ecological practices | multinational corporation | ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy | the developed countries |

Russian Science Citation Index


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