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Sidorova Elena
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Strezhneva Marina, Rudenkova Daria
Strezhneva M.V., Rudenkova D.E. European Union: the Architecture of Foreign Policy. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2016. – 135 p.

Rudenkova Daria
Lobbying in the European Union: legitimacy crisis. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2017. – 120 p.

Rylko Dmitry
Межотраслевая интеграция на продовольственном рынке США. 8 а.л.

Sidorova Elena
The Stability and Growth Pact and the EU Budget: What is to follow? / Sidorova E.A. // Eсonomicheskie strategii (Economic Strategies). – 2010. – No 6. – P. 104-109.

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Fiscal Policy in the EU. Manual. Moscow: MGIMO-University, 2014, 282 p.

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Западная Европа: изменения в политическом механизме. 12 а.л.

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Eurasian Integration in the Official Statistical Data.

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Институты, культура и (дез)интеграция: сопоставление Европейского Союза и постсоветского опыта. 12 а.л.

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