Surkov Nikolay
`Sisi doctrine”: Egypt and the Great Powers after the “Arab spring”. Comparative study of Cairo’s relations with Washington, Beijing and Moscow // Bulletin of Udmurt University. Sociology. Political Science. International Relations. 2023. Vol. 7, iss. 1. P. 76–87. (In Russ.).
Publication Type:

ISSN 2587-9030

DOI 10.35634/2587-9030-2023-7-1-76-87

The foreign policy of Egypt changed significantly since the "Arab Spring". At the regional level, Cairo had to respond to numerous challenges and threats, and at the global level - to pursue a policy of diversification in order to compensate for the partial weakening of ties with the United States. This article focuses on whether Egypt's rapprochement with China and Russia can become an alternative to a strategic alliance with the United States. The author aims to analyze the peculiarities of Egypt's relations with each of the mentioned great powers and to identify trends in further development of these relations. The article analyzes Egypt’s cooperation in security and economic spheres. The main conclusion is that Egypt remains interested in maintaining and developing strategic relations with the United States. However, China and Russia are playing an increasingly important role in Egypt's foreign policy strategy. The PRC is turning into a major trading partner, and Russia is a partner in the military and political spheres. It is also a key provider of food security. Comparative analysis of Egypt's relations with the United States, China and the Russian Federation shows that in the medium term Cairo will gradually move away from Washington and pursue a more balanced policy with respect to great powers.

Keywords: Egypt | USA | China | Russia | foreign policy | conflicts |

Russian Science Citation Index


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