Prozorovskii Anatoly
“Догоняющее” развитие и модернизаторский алгоритм в Южной Корее // Общественные науки и современность. 2020. № 3. С. 72-83. DOI 10.31857/S086904990010070-9.
Publication Type:

ISSN 0869-0499

DOI 10.31857/S086904990010070-9

In this article, the author, relying on the methodology of modernization theory and the concept of social development of D. North, J. Wallis and B. Weingast, analyzed the experience of "catching up" development of South Korea. Emphasis is placed on the role of the national political leader and the phenomenon of modernizing authoritarianism. The prerequisites for the formation and features of the “Korean model”, as well as the evolution of its institutions, which provided forced economic development and the formation of rents for elites, are studied. It is noted that by promoting modernization, authoritarianism, with the success of development, blurs the foundations of its own existence and creates prerequisites for political liberalization. At the same time, the existing system of relations between the state power and the elites allows avoiding political upheavals during the regime change and continuing the catch-up development and movement towards the open access order.

Russian Science Citation Index


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Южная Корея в 90-е годы: новый этап реформ. 12 а.л.

Prozorovskii Anatoly
Prozorovskiy A.S. Political Leader and Modernization in the East: The Case of Indonesia and South Korea in the Second Part of the 20-th Century.

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Koroschupov Vadim
Современные особенности развития оборонной промышленности Южной Кореи // Мир перемен. 2023. № 1. С. 108-119. DOI 10.51905/2073-3038_2023_1_108.

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Davydov Oleg
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Shvydko Vitaly, Fedorovsky Aleksander
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Fedorovsky Aleksander
Priorities of the Republic of Korea in Integration Projects

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Chugrov Sergey , Oznobishchev S.
Russia and Japan. Part II. View from Russia

Pantin Vladimir , Sigachev Maxim
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Davydov Oleg
К итогам поездки президента Республики Корея Мун Чже Ина в КНР [Текст] / О. В. Давыдов // Russia Policy Review [на корейском языке]. – 2018. – Т. 2. – № 1. – С. 39-41.

Fedorovsky Aleksander
К итогам визита Президента Республики Корея Мун Чже Ина в страны Центральной Азии [Текст] / А. Н. Федоровский // Russia Policy Review [на корейском языке]. – 2019. – Т. 3. – № 2. – С. 22-24

Fedorovsky Aleksander
Inflation in the Context of Restructuring the South Korean Economy

Davydov Oleg
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Yevtodyeva Marianna
"Новое качество" рынка вооружений стран Юго-Восточной Азии. Часть 1 // Новый оборонный заказ. Стратегии. 2023. № 1. С. 10-18.

Modernization, avtoritarism and democration. Eds. N. Zagladin, V. Katagarova. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010

Fedorovsky Aleksander
South Korean chaebols: genesis, rise and transformation. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2007.

Zhukova Tatiana
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