Pantin Vladimir
Cycles and Waves of the Global History: Globalization in Terms of History. Moscow, Novyi Vek Publishers, 2003.
Publication Type:

ISBN 5-8235-0102-1

The monograph is devoted to globalization processes considered from an historical standpoint. Historical prerequisites for the present-day globalization, including the emergence of the world market in the 16-17th centuries and the development of the centers of economic and political power in the 17-20th centuries, are listed. Prospects for the development of a new branch of historical science –- global history— are analyzed. Major and minor cycles of differentiation—integration reflecting the development of the global economic and political system are determined and classified.

Keywords: world market | world market | political system |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Gadzhiev Kamaludin
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Global Missile Defense System - Dilemma of International Security.

Instability in North Africa and the Middle East: the Impact on the World Oil Market. The Head of the writing team S.V. Zhukov. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2012, 43 p.

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