Corporations, Society, the State: Evolution of Relations. Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 2003.
The author examines large corporations (Russian and foreign ones) as specific interest groups and one of the most important elements of political systems and the globalizing world community. One of the largest corporations is considered as a sort of a social institution, within the framework of which owners, managers and workers interact with each other and where this interaction adapts itself to the realities of the post-communist era. Particular attention is given to the relations of the corporation with policy-making institutions and public organizations, the role and the place of corporations in the formation of civil society. Using the case study of Russia’s largest oil company – LUKOIL—the author explores specific features of a present-day Russian corporation.
Keywords: corporations | political systems | policy-making institutions | civil society |
Russian Science Citation Index
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Политология: учебник для вузов. – 6-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Москва: Издательство Юрайт, 2021. – 493 с. – 1000 экз. – ISBN 978-5-534-14338-6.
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The Formation of Civil Society and Party-Political system: the Experience of India
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