ISBN 978-5-9535-0174-3
The authors have analyzed the policy of different countries in providing national security and examined in detail the fundamental postulates of the national documents in that area. On the basis of the analysis, they have worked out recommendations concerning the effectiveness of the decision-making process in the sphere of security.
The book could be recommended to all those interested in security problems, security experts and students.
Keywords: national security | security problems |
Russian Science Citation Index
Arbatov Alexey
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Pankova Ludmila
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Arbatov Alexey
The Transformation of Russian Military Doctrine: lessons learned from Kosovo and Chechnya. The Marshall Center Papers, N 2, 2000.
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Геополитические параметры национальной безопасности России. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 1997, 6 п.л.
Frolov Alexander
Военная дипломатия как история и искусство / А.В. Фролов // Международная жизнь. – 2012. – № 2. – С. 169–178. – Рец. на кн.: История военной дипломатии. В 4-х т./ В.И. Винокуров. – М.: Инженер, 2011.
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Год планеты: ежегодник. Вып. 2009: экономика, политика, безопасность. Гл. ред. – чл.-корр. РАН В.Г. Барановский. М., Наука, 2009, 302 с.
Year of the Planet: Yearbook. Vol. 2011: Economy, Politics, Security. Ch. Ed. - Corr. RAN V.G. Baranovsky. - Moscow, Idea Press, 2011, 488 p.
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Year of the Planet: Yearbook. Issue. 2014: economics, politics and security.
Год планеты: ежегодник. Вып. 2008: экономика, политика, безопасность. Отв. ред. В.Г. Барановский ; Ин-т мировой экономики и междунар. отношений РАН. М.: Наука, 2008, 326 с.
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