China`s Role in a Globalizing World
The year 2007 marked a radical shift in China's foreign policy strategy. The 17th Party Congress turned away from a confrontational and alarmist approach to the modern world, noting that China is "against any form" of hegemony and does not seek any domineering role for itself. The "fourth generation" Chinese leaders regard the modern world from a novel standpoint, that of "competition and cooperation" between states. From now on, China's key goal will be greater competitiveness of its economy, with major foreign policy objectives for the coming years set to normalize relations with USA, Central Asian nations, and Russia. In the opinion of the Chinese, a strategic partnership with Russia is hampered by an "imbalance between internal development in China and Russia", with China seen as a "rising", and Russia a "declining" power. Russia's inability to "come up with an adequate economic strategy" 365 "impedes strategic partnership". The greatest threat facing Russia comes from China's new and more sophisticated economic expansion which is replacing the traditional expansion of cheap low quality Chinese goods. China's current new economic expansion is driven, first, by a rapid growth in Chinese economy's investment, financial and commercial potential, and, secondly, by an upsurge in trade and investment between Russia and China in recent years.
Keywords: China |
Russian Science Citation Index
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