Human dimension for global economy and international politics. Global Development. Issue 9. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2013, 152 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0374-7

This volume of IMEMO‘s series «Global Development» is based on the agenda of the conference «Human dimension for global economy and international politics» which was held at IMEMO in November 2011. The collection unites articles of the new generation of Russian political scientists and economists researching various aspects of human and social issues of global, regional and national economic and political processes, as well as human security implications of international politics. Special attention is focused on social components of different of political and economic ties and relations among national, international and transnational actors and institutions and their interdependence. This edition is intended for researchers, political and economic analysts, high-school teachers, post-graduate students, as well as for journalists and a broader range of interested audience.

Keywords: political processes | human security |

Russian Science Citation Index


Asia and Africa in World Politics. Eds. D. Malysheva, A. Rogozhin. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2012, 203 p.

Chugrov Sergey
Political Processes: How «Subjective» Are Subjects of the RF

Voitolovsky Feodor
Определение стратегических целей – это сфера идеологии… / Ф.Г. Войтоловский // Международные процессы. – 2017. – Т. 15. – № 1 (48). – С. 157-168.

Ivanov Stanislav , Zhuravel V.P.
Региональные конфликты на постсоветском пространстве и роль России в их урегулировании / С.М. Иванов, В.П. Журавель // Право и безопасность. – 2009. – № 4. – С. 15–19.

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
The European Union at the crossroads: a conceptual aspect

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Politology. Moscow, Logos Publishers, 2003.

Kosolapov Nikolay
Нетрадиционный взгляд на механизм общественного развития / Н.А. Косолапов // Вестник МГИМО – Университета. – 2010. – № 4. – С. 203–211.

European union and regional conflicts. Ed. by N. Arbatova, A. Kokeev. Moscow, IMEMO RAN,2011, 143 p.

Pacific Asia: a «responsible leadership» challenge (mid-term outlook for economic and political development). Ed. by V. Amirov, V. Mikheev. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2011, 89 p.

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Политология. М., Логос, 2002, 34,7 п.л.

Metamorphoses of identity in the conditions of globalization. Summary / Lapkin Vladimir V.

Polaeva G., Kopytin Ivan
Региональные рынки газа. Сравнительный анализ // Инновации и инвестиции. 2020. № 2. С. 57-60.

Topical Problems of Political Science as Seen by Young Scholars (Proceedings of the Sector of the Theory of Politics, IMEMO RAN) Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2003.

Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Sphere of services in postindustrial economy / Kondratyev Vladimir B.

Burdzhalov Felix
Социальная сфера предприятия: современная российская практика в мировом контексте. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2002, 256 с.

Semenenko Irina
Political Identity and Identity Politics / Semenenko Irina S.

Политическая идентичность и политика идентичности. В двух томах. Т.1: Идентичность как категория политической науки: словарь терминов и понятий. Отв. ред. И.С. Семененко М., Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН), 2011, 208 с.

Year of the Planet: Yearbook. Issue. 2014: economics, politics and security.

Korolev Ivan
Финансовые проблемы США и их влияние на глобальные процессы в валютной сфере: тез. доклада на сит. анализе ИМЭМО РАН (Москва, март 2011 г.) / И.С. Королёв // Деньги и кредит. – 2011. – № 6. – С. 14–19.

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Политические феномены и процессы глазами молодых ученых. Ответственный редактор д.и.н. Гаджиев К.Г. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2002, 145 с.
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