Krasil’shchikov Victor
Cambios de las Disparidades Interregionales en Brasil (1995-2014) [Текст] / V.A. Krasilshchikov // Iberoamerica. – 2017. – No 2. – P. 54-79.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2075-9711

The paper deals with changes of the interregional social and economic disparities in Brazil from 1995 to 2014. It demonstrates how the social policy of the Left-centrist governments headed by the presidents Cardoso, Lula and Rousseff succeeded in a decrease of inequalities among the big regions of Brazil, though this inequality is still very large. A dynamics of such indicators as the gross regional product per capita, Gini coefficient, labour incomes, a number of consumer durable goods in households and the level of education by the regions is under consideration. At the same time, new obstacles to the pro-poor social policy have risen in the last time, and they are scrutinised, too.

Keywords: Brazil | Cardoso | consumption of households | Gini coefficient | gross regional product per capita | inequality | interregional disparities | level of education | Lula | Rousseff | social policy |

Russian Science Citation Index


Lukashin Yu., Rakhlina Lyudmila
О показателях развития стран мира // Вестник МИРБИС = Вестник Московской международной высшей школы бизнеса МИРБИС : сетевое издание. 2021. № 2 (36). С. 6-25. DOI 10.25634/MIRBIS.2021.2.1. URL: Дата публикации: 10.07.2021.

Krasil’shchikov Victor
Brazil: From Successes to the Systemic Crisis

Varnavskii Vladimir
Инновационный рост мировой экономики: основные тренды и перспективы [Текст] / В.Г. Варнавский // Друкеровский вестник. – 2017. – № 1. – С. 5-15.

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav , Charunina A.V.
Consumption of cultural goods in Russia: What household surveys tell us?

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Команда Т. Пикетти о неравенстве в России: коллекция статистических артефактов // Вопросы экономики. 2020. № 4. С. 67-106. DOI 10.32609/0042-8736-2020-4-67-106.

Grigoriev Leonid, Salmina A.
«Structure» of inequality of the modern world: problems of measurement / Grigoryev L.M., Salmina A.A.

Titov K.
Social Policy of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Central and Eastern Europe / Titov K

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Russia’s Human Capital: What Is It Worth? Part II / R. Kapeliushnikov

Sidorova Elena
The Rise of Russia Economy Competitiveness Problems / Sidorova E.A. // Rossjiskji vneshnejeconomicheskij vestnik. – 2007. – No 6. – P. 36-45.

Anosov Boris
Активизация потребительского спроса как залог успешного развития экономики КНР // Проблемы прогнозирования. 2021. № 6 (189). С. 158-167. DOI 10.47711/0868-6351-189-158-167.

Ponedelko Galina
Проблемы развития человеческого потенциала Испании на современном этапе [Текст] / Г.Н. Понеделко // Ибероамериканские тетради. – 2015. – № 4 (6). – С. 43 – 53.

Monusova Galina
Social Policy in the European Public Opinion: An Implicit Contract between State and Society / G. Monusova

Sigachev Maxim, Timofeeva Yu.
The lusophone world of Iberoamerica: between the “left wave” and the “right turn” (the example of Portugal and Brazil)

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav , Demina Natalia
Consumption of Cultural Goods in Russia: Scale, Determinants, Differentiation

Frumkin Boris
Income differentiation and consumption of food as a patronized good

Vedeneeva Valentina
Russian education in the context of global trends

Bardin Andrey, Sigachev Maxim, Kutergin Vasily
Осмысляя бедность: социальное измерение концепции ответственного развития // Каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура. 2021. № 1 (66). С. 122-131. DOI 10.21672/1818-510X-2021-66-1-122-131.

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