Krasil’shchikov Victor
Cambios de las Disparidades Interregionales en Brasil (1995-2014) [Текст] / V.A. Krasilshchikov // Iberoamerica. – 2017. – No 2. – P. 54-79.
ISSN 2075-9711
Cambios de las Disparidades Interregionales en Brasil (1995-2014) [Текст] / V.A. Krasilshchikov // Iberoamerica. – 2017. – No 2. – P. 54-79.
Publication Type:
ISSN 2075-9711
The paper deals with changes of the interregional social and economic disparities in Brazil from 1995 to 2014. It demonstrates how the social policy of the Left-centrist governments headed by the presidents Cardoso, Lula and Rousseff succeeded in a decrease of inequalities among the big regions of Brazil, though this inequality is still very large. A dynamics of such indicators as the gross regional product per capita, Gini coefficient, labour incomes, a number of consumer durable goods in households and the level of education by the regions is under consideration. At the same time, new obstacles to the pro-poor social policy have risen in the last time, and they are scrutinised, too.
Keywords: Brazil | Cardoso | consumption of households | Gini coefficient | gross regional product per capita | inequality | interregional disparities | level of education | Lula | Rousseff | social policy |
Russian Science Citation Index
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