Будущее российского финансового рынка в международном и глобальном распределении финансовых ресурсов // Финансы, деньги, инвестиции. 2022. № 3. С. 10-17. DOI 10.36992/2222-0917_2022_3_10.
ISSN 2222-0917
DOI 10.36992/2222-0917_2022_3_10
The article investigates the perspectives of the Russian financial market in the new frame of benchmarks (the buildup of capital as a factor of production). Based on the analysis of 37 indicators the position of Russia in global financial hierarchy in comparison with the BRICS countries (reliance on the real economy, acceptable debt burden, adequate depth of financial market) and advanced economies as the issuers of the world’s reserve currency with unlimited (until recently) possibilities of lending to the economy and exploding national debt is analyzed. The article identifies and details the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian financial model. As a result, the Bank of Russia’s proposals for the financial market development strategy for the next three years are analyzed and supplemented.
Russian Science Citation Index
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