Gusarova Olga
Блокчейны в системе военной контрактации: возможности и проблемы [Электронный ресурс] / О.В Гусарова // Московский экономический журнал: электронный сетевой журнал. – 2019. – № 10. – DOI: 10.24411/2413-046X-2019-10010. URL:
Publication Type:

ISSN 2413-046X

DOI 10.24411/2413-046X-2019-10010

The process of digital transformation of the economy, its digitalization, inevitably extends to such sensitive from the point of view of national, and even international, security spheres like the defense sector. The article discusses the possibility of using in the defense sector of the economy such technology as blockchain. This technology together with another perspective one - the Internet of things, underlies such a digital tool as smart contracts. The objective of this article is to consider the main advantages of their possible introduction into the process of manufacturing or procurement military products, as well as to outline some difficulties and identify the risks associated with this.

Keywords: smart contracts | blockchain technology | Internet of things | defense sector | defense procurement | national security | international security |

Russian Science Citation Index


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The R&D Contracting System in the UK Defense and Security

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UK Modern Defence Contracting System. Moscow, IMEMO, 2015, 37 p.

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Kopytin Ivan
Will the major oil and gas corporations make blockchain their competitive advantage?

Stefanovich Dmitry
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