Malysheva Dina
The Middle East between turbulence and development
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The final results of the international and political development of the Middle East are considered in the context of the turbulence of the region, whose security in 2018 was affected by such negative factors as armed conflicts and Islamist radicalism. Specific features of the Syrian regional war are identified, and the role of Russia in its settlement is revealed. Attention is drawn to the strategy of non-regional powers (Russia, the United States, China) in the Middle East as well as the impact of major regional states on the Middle Eastern international political processes. Some political and international prospects of the Middle East are analyzed.

Keywords: Islamist radicalism | The Middle East | conflicts | development | international political process | turbulence |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Bogacheva Anastasia, Davydov Alexey, Ibragimov Ibragim, Zvyagelskaya Irina, Kobrinskaya Irina, Samarskaia Liudmila, Svistunova Irina, Surkov Nikolay
Ближний Восток в тисках кризиса. Поиски выхода // Свободная мысль. 2020. № 5 (1683). С. 123-136. DOI 10.24411/0869-4435-2020-00010.

Malysheva Dina
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Ivanov Stanislav
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The Middle East through the Eyes of Young Researchers (Global Development, iss. 20) / Zvyagel'skaya I.D., Rovinskaya T.L., Timofeev P.P., eds. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2019. – 215

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State and Human in Contemporary Armed Conflicts.

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Hybrid wars in the modern world

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О ближневосточных войнах // Международная жизнь. 2023. № 2. С. 84-93.

Simoniya Nodari
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The Middle East: Hello to Russian Arms!

Zvyagelskaya Irina
New regionalism and old issues in the Middle East

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Surkov Nikolay
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Malyshev Dmitry
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Frolov Alexander
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Ivanov Stanislav
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