Bykov Oleg
Geopolitical Status of Russia (In two books). Vol. 2. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2015. – 210 p.
ISBN 978-5-9535-0435-5
Geopolitical Status of Russia (In two books). Vol. 2. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2015. – 210 p.
Publication Type:
ISBN 978-5-9535-0435-5
This monograph, consisting of two books, is dedicated to a study of origins and development of geopolitical standing of our country in the context of evolving international surroundings. Focused on the post-soviet period, research at the same time touches earlier stages of national geopolitical history and addresses prospects of future place and role of Russia in a dynamically transforming world.
Book 2 contains an appraised of national consolidation and various internal and external trends and processes strengthening international standing of Russia. Available and prospective material and spiritual resources are assessed to outline a wide range of opportunities and risks involved in an upsurge of Russian geopolitical activity. Views for future provide assumptions for Russia’s geopolitical significance in a drastically changing global community of nations.
Keywords: national geopolitical history | internal and external trends | Russian geopolitical activity |
Russian Science Citation Index
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