Arbatova Nadezhda
EU Security: Micro-Aggression with Macro-Consequences. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No. 5. P. 94-108. (In Russ.)
Publication Type:

ISSN 1026-9487

DOI 10.17976/jpps/2021.05.07

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has convincingly shown that the very concept of security is going through a deep transformation in the 21st century. Widespread epidemics, massive illegal migration, international terrorism, environmental disasters, new forms of nationalism, cyber technology, and scarce resources challenge the traditional military threats that have always been at the center of the international community's attention. Undoubtedly, in the list of new non-military threats, the pandemic initiated by the coronavirus came to the fore, which raised the question of rethinking the very concept of security. The article analyzes the phenomenon of pandemic and security nexus, as well as the consequences of this phenomenon for the functioning of the European Union and its member states. In particular, the author examines the threats posed by the pandemic to human security or the foundations of human life, economic security, socio-political stability, and, ultimately, to the future of European integration. The author argues that the EU's response to the devastating consequences of the coronavirus will be a test of its viability as a unique integration association capable of becoming a full-fledged power center in post-pandemic international relations. The title of the article “EU Security: Micro-aggression with Macro Consequences” is metaphorical and intended to highlight the misleading perception of the scale of the new non-military threat.

Keywords: European Union | European security | biological security | economic security | European integration | COVID-19 pandemic | coronavirus | migration | terrorism | social protests | nationalism | strategic autonomy |

Russian Science Citation Index


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