ASEAN-Russia Cooperation: The Digital Dimension // Юго-Восточная Азия: Актуальные проблемы развития. 2022. № 3(56). С. 18-29. DOI 10.31696/2072-8271-2022-3-3-56-018-029.
ISSN 2072-8271
DOI 10.31696/2072-8271-2022-3-3-56-018-029
The paper gives insights into the potential of ASEAN-Russia dialogue in the digital area. Starting from an outline of benefits and disadvantages the Fourth Industrial Revolution brings ASEAN, the author proceeds with exploring digital support that the association gives its multilateral economic initiatives, as well as ASEAN’s efforts to intensify digital cooperation as a self-sufficient direction across Southeast Asia. Finally, the paper assesses directions and measures that can strengthen ASEAN-Russia ties. Although extant research on ASEAN-Russia dialogue reveals the extent of progress and remaining problems, as well as defines major substantive issues and areas with true potential, mainstream views on its strategic directions remain stagnant in the paradigm of energy, arms transfers, agriculture and space exploration. The academic value of the article is that it takes a step forward in specifying and assessing real possibilities of ASEAN-Russia interaction offered by the increasing digitalization. In the author’s opinion, as in the present international circumstances the room for maneuver in ASEAN-Russia relations is narrowing, an emphasis on instrumental components of cooperation, among which cybersecurity-related measures are of crucial importance, may be rewarding.
Keywords: ASEAN | Russia | Fourth Industrial Revolution | digital regional-ism | cooperation | digital competences | cybersecurity |
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