Альтернативы постковидного мира : доклад на Московском академическом экономическом форуме (МАЭФ-21, 26 мая 2021 г ) // Научные труды Вольного экономического общества России. 2021. Т. 230, №4. С. 71-75. DOI 10.38197/2072-2060-2021-230-4-71-75.
ISSN 2072-2060
DOI 10.38197/2072-2060-2021-230-4-71-75
The report is dedicated to the possible architecture of the world order. According to the author, the most probable analytical scenario for the future world order is a new bipolarity, where one pole will be the link "Moscow - Peking ", the other - Washington. Nevertheless, if the main global players show responsibility, the scenario of a “responsible polycentric world” is possible. In this case, the world can preserve modern polycentric architecture.
Keywords: architecture of the world order | new bipolarity | polycentric world |
Russian Science Citation Index
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