Director of IMEMO Feodor Voitolovsky has given an interview to Interfax special correspondent Vyacheslav Terekhov in which he comments on the meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Geneva. more...
The article “Moscow and Tehran: a broad agenda for a dialogue” by Stanislav Ivanov was published on the website of the “InfoSCO”. more...
The article “An emergency platform: why Russia needs the OSCE” by Sergey Utkin was published on the website of the Russian edition of “Forbes”. more...
The article “Kazakhstan is on the verge of great changes” by Stanislav Ivanov was published on the website of the “InfoSCO”. more...
The article “Diarchy in Afghanistan may last longer. The neighboring countries are closely following Afghanistan’s domestic political situation” by Stanislav Ivanov was published on the website of the information-analytical journal “InfoSCO”. more...
The article “How far the Taliban will go – that is the question. Security in Central Asia depends on the development of the events in Afghanistan” by Stanislav Ivanov was published on the website of the information-analytical journal “InfoSCO”. more...
RussiaToday published an article by Dmitry Stefanovich «While the media focused on theatricality, Putin and Biden quietly made a new diplomatic attempt to prevent an apocalyptic nuclear war». more...
Dmitry Stefanovich provided a commentary about Japanese plans to dump Fukushima nuclear powerplant contaminated water into the ocean for «The South China Morning Post». more...
On the Website of “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” published an article by the Leading Researcher of the Center for European Studies, Doctor of Science (Economics) Marina. V. Klinova “Virus debts in the European Union: forgive must not pay. Why debt cancellation can provoke a political crisis ”. more...
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta" has published an article by the Head of the Sector of International Monetary and Credit Relations, Ph.D. Elena Sidorova "Fighting against the crisis, European bureaucrats demonstrate wonders of ingenuity". more...
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