Publications in Mass Media

Total found: 910 publications
27.09.2024  Article by Ivan Shchedrov in “The Hindu”

On September 27, 2024, the Indian newspaper The Hindu published an article “Russia's Geopolitical Pivot to Asia, a New India Chapter”, devoted to the analysis of the current state of Russia-India relations, by Ivan Shchedrov.          more...

26.09.2024  Article by Feodor Basov for “Izvestia” MIC

Feodor Basov in his article for “Izvestia” Multimedia Information Center “Extra Gas” told about how, two years after the Nord Stream explosions, the West continues to hide the truth.


26.09.2024  Interview with Alexey Arbatov for “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

On September 26, 2024, Academician Alexey Arbatov predicted the effect of changes in Russia's nuclear doctrine in an interview for “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.          more...

25.09.2024  Alexandra Arabadzhyan in the documentary film of “Zvezda” TV channel

Alexandra Arabadzhyan took part in the documentary film of “Zvezda” TV channel  – “Colonialism 2.0: New Strategies of the West”, dedicated to Cuba.          more...

24.09.2024  Article by Stanislav Ivanov on the “InfoSCO” portal

On August 24, 2024, an article “Russia-Afghanistan: on the Threshold of Change" by Stanislav Ivanov was published on the central Internet portal of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization "InfoSCO". Kabul's integration into the regional economy is the key to security.          more...

24.09.2024  Nikolay Surkov in the “Main News” program on the RBC channel

Nikolay Surkov took part in a live broadcast of the “Main News” program on the RBC channel. Will Israel dare to launch a ground operation in Lebanon, why is the US sending new units to the Middle East, and whether the regional conflict can escalate into something more.          more...

19.09.2024  Interview with Marina Klinova in the «Nezavisimaya Gazeta» newspaper

Marina Klinova spoke in an interview for the «Nezavisimaya Gazeta» newspaper about the difficult situation with the increased deficit of the French state budget, which the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier will have to resolve.          more...

19.09.2024  Commentary by Ilya Kramnik in “Novye Izvestia” newspaper

Ilya Kramnik spoke in a commentary for the “Novye Izvestia” newspaper about the possible start of new nuclear tests in the Arctic.          more...

19.09.2024  Article by Alexander Lomanov in China Daily

On September 19, 2024, in the Chinese daily socio-political newspaper  China Daily | Global Edition was published an article by Alexander Lomanov “Public, Private Sectors Key to Nation’s Modernization" on the current stage of Chinese reforms.          more...

19.09.2024  Interview with Alexey Arbatov on “” website

On September 19, 2024, “” website published an interview with Academician Alexey Arbatov "Political scientist Arbatov on Zelensky's 'plan': designed for propaganda effect".          more...

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On February 13, 2025, Maria Khorolskaya took part in a Roundtable on the current situation in Germany on the eve of early elections to the Bundestag on the platform of the “Russia Today” news agency.



On February 13, 2025, the RIAC website published an analytical article by Stepan Golovin “the Economy of Southeast Asian Countries in 2025: How to Maintain Sustainability in a Period of Uncertainty?”.


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