The Fall-Winter issue of “Pathways to Peace and Security” (no. 2 (63), 2022)
The Fall-Winter issue of “Pathways to Peace and Security” (no. 2 (63), 2022) is out. The issue’s main focus is on the problems of global food security and the ways they relate to and are affected by sanctions and armed conflicts.12/14/22
The issue 12 of the journal ME & MO for 2022
The issue 12 of the journal ME & MO for 2022 is out of print, which discusses a wide range of problems in various areas of the study of world politics and international relations. A number of articles touch upon some areas of domestic and foreign policy of the leading countries and associations of the Western world - the USA, Germany, the European Union, the evolution of party systems in the EU countries.11/16/22
The 3rd issue of the journal “Russia and the New States of Eurasia”, 2022
The 3rd issue of the journal "Russia and the New States of Eurasia" for 2022 has been published. As before, the authors of the issue pay great attention to Ukraine. The researchers examine the results of the development of the Ukrainian economy for 8 years that have passed since Euromaidan (2014-2022) and analyze the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on modern international relations.11/15/22
No. 3 of the “Russian Economic Barometer” for 2022
We present to your attention the 3rd issue of the quarterly bulletin "Russian Economic Barometer" for 2022. The analytical part of the issue contains the article "Investment Behavior of Enterprises in 2021-2022" by Sergey Auktsionek. Monthly statistical series are updated to May, and quarterly series are updated to Q2 2022 inclusive.11/02/22
Article by Ekaterina Zaklyazminskaya in the Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article "China's Scientific and Technological Potential under US Technological Sanctions" by Ekaterina Zaklyazminskaya was published in the English version of the Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2022, Vol. 92, No. 5, pp. 643-649).10/20/22
Articles by IMEMO employees in the ”Journal of Law and Administration. XXI century"
In the ”Journal of Law and Administration. XXI century" (volume 18, ¹ 3, 2022) were published articles by IMEMO staff.09/26/22
No. 2 of the “Russian Economic Barometer” for 2022
We present to your attention the 2nd issue of the "Russian Economic Barometer" quarterly bulletin for 2022. The analytical part of the issue contains an article by Sergey Aukutsionek and Oleg Zhukov "The 2021 surveys of industrial enterprises: results and forecasts". The monthly statistical series have been updated to February, and the quarterly series – up to the first quarter of 2022 inclusive.09/24/22
The Journal "World Economy and International Relations" (¹ 9, 2022)
Issue 9 of the journal "World Economy and International Relations" for 2022 has been published, the articles of which are diverse in both subject matter and research subjects. Particular attention is paid to theoretical problems of politics and international relations.09/22/22
Article by Nikolay Rabotyazhev in “Politeia” magazine
The third issue of “Politeia” magazine published an article by Nikolay Rabotyazhev, Cand. of Science (Politics), Lead Researcher of the Sector for Political Theory of IMEMÎ, entitled "Alternative for Germany": Between Conservatism and Right-Wing Populism”.09/07/22
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
On September 7, 2022 the website of the Russian International Affairs Council published an article by Nikita Belukhin "No More ‘Fish Place’? The Future of Russian-Faroese relations in question", dedicated to trade relations and fisheries cooperation between Russia and the Faroe Islands.08/24/22
Article by Stanislav Ivanov in “The International Affairs” journal
In its attempts to impose a unipolar world order model, with the United States as the sole world superpower, Washington is not stopping at expanding NATO's borders and areas of responsibility, but is simultaneously forging new, so-called mini-units, NATO satellites, writes Stanislav Ivanov in the journal “The International Affairs”.08/22/22
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
The website of the Russian Council on Foreign Affairs published an article by Nikita Belukhin, "The «Unruly Islands». Greenland and the Faroe Islands Cherish Sovereign Ambitions. Ukrainian events and fears over the future of the Arctic Council certainly put the subject of Denmark's relations with its autonomous territories on the back burner.08/15/22
Article by Dmitry Trenin in the “Arms Export” journal
A special supplementary issue of the “Arms Export magazine” (No. 165, 2022) published an article by Dmitry Trenin "The Ukrainian Crisis and Nuclear Weapons".08/12/22
Article by Ilya Kramnik on the RIAC website
Article by Ilya Kramnik “A Step Towards a Conscious International Policy” was published on the website of the Russian International Affairs Council.08/12/22
Article by Dmitry Stefanovich in the journal "Russia in Global Affairs”
The website of the journal “Russia in Global Affairs” published an article by Dmitry Stefanovich on possible scenarios for the situation in arms control in connection with the Russian Federation decision to suspend its inspection activities under the START Treaty.08/05/22
2nd issue for 2022 of the journal “Russia and the New State of Eurasia”
The 2nd issue for 2022 of the journal “Russia and the New State of Eurasia” has been published. The issue opens with the article on the cooperative relations of the EAEU with third countries. Special attention, quite naturally, is paid to Ukraine.07/25/22
Article by Kristina Denisenko on the RIAC website
On July 25, 2022 the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) website published an article "Irony of Fate: Germany Reanimates Coal Generation Amidst the Energy Crisis" by K. S. Denisenko.07/19/22
Dmitry Trenin's review of Robert Jervis's book "Perception and Misperception in International Politics”
The “Arms Exports” journal, No. 3, 2022 (May-June), published a review by Dmitry Trenin of Robert Jervis's book "Perception and Misperception in International Politics".06/29/22
The Journal "World Economy and International Relations" (¹ 5, 2022)
In the forthcoming issue of World Economy and International Relations (No. 7, 2022), the central focus is on the analysis of different regions of Europe and European politics.06/09/22
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